Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere, writes.

Honestly, there is no thanks to civilization and its products, because they have done seemingly malodorous for us more than the supposed good expression. It has successfully negotiated our orderliness with enjoyment in disguise. It is detrimental to individuals, homes and societies at large; I still wonder when it will fully gain recovery.

Well raping is never a novel disease affecting our society, most especially the female folks that are more vulnerable to its ravaging effect, despite the drastic actions put in place, to curb it's prevalency in the society. I still wonder why this epidemic violence still make its way to survive till this moment. It is so saddened and disheartening why sexual violent of a thing becomes the headlines in every local and national newspapers.

Had it been, the raper know the consequences behind sexual exploitation he wouldn't have come near it. There is this yoruba axiom which says," set yourself ablazed and feel the consequences of aftermath". Is like when you nurture a baby till he fully matured, nearly to the time to make you proud, then something just took it away from you incidentally. Imagine how pained and restless you will be. Same is the virginity, to them, virginity  is their pride and honor that need not to be violated for any sake.

I have read and listened to different opinions from elites and the warlords in writing indulstry; where everyone picked the causes of raping from different angles, which are as follows: indesence dressing, over dependency on sex,bad parenting,bad governance, drinking of alcohol and drug abuse. but there is one thing that is rarely discussed which is influence social media space that is the real ado, it virtually help in promoting this sexual indecency in our society.

In the past, there were cases of underage defilement and raping assault but very few were rarely recorded in a year. But in recent time, we have recorded cases and still counting if proactive measures are not put in place. Our media spaces should be a grounded institution that nourishes, nurtures and transmits values to the users so as to impact the world around them. But opposite is the case; it has now become the medium of advertising and showcasing all sort of moral decadence.

Medically, there is a connection between eyes used in watching things and brain as well as the mind. Our eyes are like window to the brain of which the brain help to translate the information received through the window into something we can fully understand. The brain which control all activities in the body can be found in the center of the mind. However our thoughts which arise from our minds can grossly influence our emotions and mental conditions toward something good or something bad.

Almost every home has televisions and smart phones either one or both. And now that everyone is striving assiduously or giving all take it to be at the  limelight. They want to be celebrated at all cost not minding exposing their nudities on the media spaces. Fortunately, technology has made the life easier, everyone is accessible to the media spaces from adults to the teenagers, who can not control their feelings are greatly affected and would want to forcefully practice it by all means thus leading to sexual exploitation and underage defilement.

Furthermore, just like have mentioned earlier, our minds and Brains are very unique natural endowment, no matter how dumb and smart one could be, it has a way of its functioning without determined by one's cognitivity. So, we have to be mindful of what we absorb. Because the brain and mind are directly connected to positive and negative things we consume. It is important to silence our inner and outer minds to negativity, these will in turn shaping our beliefs and mindsets to a productive action.

In conclusion, government as the agent of positive change should regulate our social media sites most especially those website that advitise pornography, where people usually download for fun. Parents should be wary of the movies to be watched and they should ensure regular monitoring of their Ward's gadgets including phones. There should be public enlightenment by government, religious leaders, NGOs, civil societies and stakeholders should help in advocating, educating and enlightening people on the evil and effects of rape. I am so much believe that if proactive measures is put in consideration there would be no increase of sexual violence in our society.

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