
Showing posts from July, 2020

In Commemoration Of World Hepatitis Day.

In Commemoration Of World Hepatitis Day . Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere. At this point in time, the importance of health should not be found alien in the face of entire humanity, where everywhere seems darken even at expense of brightened light due to emergence of unforetold circumstances surrounding the vision 2020. As a public health enthusiast and Advocate of good health, I enjoin the other health advocates across the world in commemoration of world hepatitis day: Which was initiated to raise the public awareness on its causes, effect, prevention and management of hepatitis. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can cause a myriad of health problems such as liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and often lead to death. Substances like chemical toxins, excessive consumption of alcohol and most significantly viruses are the causes of hepatitis. It is ranked second by world health organization after tuberculosis, as deadly disease which claims about million

The Impact Of Resourceful Homes To A Prosperous Nation

The Impact Of Resourceful Homes To A Prosperous Nation By Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere The prevailing situation of our country is uncalled for: rambling from the breastplate of turmoil climaxing to its peak, moral indecency, heightened level of hypocrisy, devastating health challenges, unlawful ways of amassing wealth, mismanagement of public funds, phenomenal poverty, uncontrollably proliferation of cybercriminals, human wanton cry for global recognition and many others. Of which all are as a result of broken homes. Home is a supposed biological institution that serves as a solid foundation to be entrenched with morals, disciplines, and life's principles. Parents, indisputably, are biological engineers where professionals are breeds from their genetic compositions: good leaders, impact makers, trustworthy companions, unbiased teachers and many other agents of positivities could be traced to an uncompromised home. However, a good home is naturally rooted in unadult


AN OPEN LETTER TO THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES. BY: IBRAHEEM OLASUNKANMI QOSEEM from Kwara State University, Malete.                     NEED FOR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Dear Ma,          It is with embitterment of mind that I write this protracted letter to you. As I have seen and still experience the bewildered mysteries that run gamut of suffering, incessant pain and continual epileptic seasoned experience as a result of our predisposition to biological threat due to negligence and selfish cry for global standard and wanton recognitions. I still wonder why conservation matters are ensued in conspiracy  when the responsibility is meant for all. I believe it is high time we took a thorough hygiene towards attaining the giant stride in the conservation of its lost glory. Biodiversity, in simple expression, simply means life on Earth. It is a span time through which biological entities ranging from human, plants, microorgani