
Showing posts from January, 2020


VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere,writes. Hello sisters and brethren reading my poetic writes. Listen to me and follow me through my rhymic lines. At this moment of today take your time to go through my text. As there would be an Educative dispensation from my inking pen. . Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. An important unavoidable water soluble vitamin. A vitamin whose by the body not readily synthezise. Regular basis you need it, as it's storage doesn't last for awhile. . VitaminB12 is a substituents of food derived from animal based food. And as well got from the natural vegetation and other suppl Functionality they profer undeniable solution to our physiological defect. And majorly take part in production of the circulating tissues known as red cells. . Life devoid of this substituents is described as detrimental state. Where you will be restricted to reach many desired places. One loses interest in life as it's ef


MYTHICAL APPROACH TOWARDS QURAN Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere,writes. No Matter how hard you assiduously strive to bring it down with your little mind and naughty brain, million of you can never get it tainted or strategically cripple it's progress in the mind of its believers. it has come to stay never would it be erased on the surface earth. Many had minted to disapproved it's genuity and even with a bitter and hatred mind to impaired it's integrity in the past. They even outwardly protested to demean it's contents through rigorous unproductive trial all but went a fail. It is the only book that has lived for over one thousand four hundred years with no edition that has outstandingly defined nature and solved unforeseen problems, provide solutions to social challenges and it is a long lasting medicine to every minds and souls. I think In every supernatural controlling power there should be tolerance just as in the Quran not with the destructive feud.


YOU ARE CELEBRATED DUDE. Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere, writes. Years have passed with bitter experiences that were so provocative and some with beautiful memories that were worthwhile. Still lingers in my memory those beautiful moments we had shared during our secondary school days the one that were funfilled and those that were very tough and challenging . But with different tactical approaches we tackled it to get it overwhelmed. It is true that childhood play can never last longer but at most ,some moments shared together were worthwhile. The impactful decision that everyone has made in making life bearable for colleagues are of no measure. In life either the impact made in the life of others is positive or negative, Al-hamdalilahi this friend has gave me several reasons to show how I had amazingly impacted his life positively. Thanks so much for not keeping the truth and the undeserved recognitions you have been showing, nothing worth more in life for an impact m


MISSING MOOD Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere, writes. Silently, was the unknown voice woke me up. At the the early of the morning with suprano voice. And gently on my couch I separated my head from the pillow. To answer the voice coming from unknown directional pole. . Without a clue, it left no explanatory prints. I wonder of a voice who can stuck like emotional pin. until when I remember someone whose loving her a less is a sin. And most beautiful learned damsel  in the world have ever seen. .  immediately, I found the reason for my urgent worries. And this provide a solution to insurgency of untold hardship. Here comes a voice whose listening to, serves as a pain reliver. Routinely, days and nights I take it to escape from emotional fever. . Yesterday, circumstances made me missed that relieving pills. And this emotional wound grows its affected  cells in multiple. Profusingly was the pain experienced as it insisted not to set me free. And uncontrollably was my physiologic


MICHAEL OBITADE MENTORSHIP ACADEMY MY TWO MONTHS EXPERIENCE IN MOMA. Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere,writes. MOMA is an acronym of  Michael obitade mentorship academy, It is an online training platform that is virtually building career, leadership skills and help in building business strategy and as well spiritual growth. My experience in MOMA was really interesting, motivating,Educative and attimes funfiling one, as it had help me in how to become an emotional intelligence on how and why I need to respond to any occurrence that seems to be very obnoxious and unwanted one. Through MOMA platform have been able to set goals which are virtually SMART with alot of purposeful fulfilment as It had given directional value towards attainment of some goals and acommplishments. MOMA teaches ethical and social values inculcating alot of responsbilities in its product in a more sociological and economical ways.  In MOMA I have come to realize that great personality is what can be built n


LIMTA-ACADEMY Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere, writes.   As a curious learner that I have always been, when we were about completing our exam in my Alma mater I was so worried on what I should engage myself with that will keep me busy and impactful.    That was when a great mind share me with a link that entails LIMTA-ACADEMY advert and I took a bold step to get myself registered with them for a short period of time. And that is how it all started enough of Words can never express my feelings as I become an ambassador of this great citadel of learning.A big thanks to the provost of the academy who was not only a lecturer but also a mentor and outstanding leader. His leadership trait as a youth to me is worthy of reckoning and his personality is a very rare one in our world of today. He has proven so many Dexterities that has given us hope that youths are still the leaders of tomorrow of which we are not excluded.   During the long journey of mentorship, he made sure that all


HAPPY UTERINE GRADUATION PENPAL Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere,writes. The cock squalled heavily kukuruku. And everywhere is as cool as depth of a pool. Continuously, my alarm keeps beeping. Rhythmically my heart keeps beating. ...... I wonder what could be the cause of this. Unknowingly, her Clock that came to tick. Ooh! For you,I don't need to widen so nook.  So many poetic words I will cook. ..... Permit me to celebrate this pen lover. On her birthday to make it sweeter. Long before now we have being a friend on social media. To my aptly worries she appears like a snipper. ....... Long before now have been expecting this day to come. To express my heartfelt to the whole world. How You came to my life as an unseen sword. Who help to ravage my lingering worries and lumps. ........ With my artistic work she fell in love. Even though! when my words wasn't enough. She danced even when my poem has no rythymic beat. And used so many captivating words to motivate me. ....


MEMORY LANE. Al-Qosimy hernnany Atere, writes. I can not but to thank Allah for the grace of Life" which of his favors can we deny" we are Hale and healthy due to his mercy. I should have alot to write about this but this is not yet the time of celebration. Humming! These squared and many other people had suffered hiccups on the course of striving for common goal, many whose the flood of the struggle had indirectly change their purpose even though the believe was like a set back to everyone but has God does his things these has been making us becoming the best of ourselves. When people were saying struggle I never understood, but as time goes on it became crystal clear to me what it's meaning convey, we had really come a long way.May we all have beautiful and inspiring story to tell and write about. Only we and few can relate well,but God alone knows what will happen this semester because every hour of the school time such challenging and provocative eve


THE BENEFACTOR AND THE GOD SENT. Al-Qosimy hernnany Atere,writes. When life offered some undeserved tests. When my eyes were full of rages and tears. When I lost the temptations to emotional unrest. When my mind could not withstand lingering fears. When my unproductive trials could not guarantee best. . He was there as a guiding angel, sent to guide my path. He Comforted my soul,when life offered ravaging attack. He charged my soldiers cells to defend some unusual spikes. He awaken my weaken soul to resist some unexpected strikes. And gave a Dearing talk"no matter the odds keep aiming the height". . For me, you are more than just a mentorship coach. But a refuge during the period of hot weather and cold. You choose not only to be an advisor that is ready to defend. But also a mentor, motivator, brother and a loyal friend. For this, I'm indebted to celebrate you every now and then. . I know life has treated you in so many ways. Despite he n


AL-HAMDULILAHI, NOT EVERYONE IS A MARLIAN. Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere, writes. Our societies are so derogative and discouraging even the communicable societal disease does not only infect the small minds but also the great minds in which this insanity has made them become the agents of unproductive living lifestyle. Marlians everywhere, today when I was in dire need to achieve today's goals, disturbing my innocent soul for its fruitless trials at a simple goal. These three young lads came in and tossed up some discussions. So provocative,myself that was having ceaseless thoughts on achieving a goal alone but every process seems futile talkless with package of distraction that set in, I felt like expressing myself outrageously but was emotionally intelligent to control myself. In no time, I summon Myself to remain more focus to achieve my goal, I devised all possible strategies to get them by, because my mindset towards them and being a young lads was that they a


CONTINUE TO PROSPER EJIWUWA Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere, writes. I wonder why some people that are so special to me are always January born may be because of their rare personality earn them the privilege to be key to the annual calendar. I know prosperity will not forgive me, if I fail to celebrate you on your special day. Because from you have earned some undeserved respect and commendation and for this I must not let this day elope without celebrating you with a special test. The sojourn of 2017 couldn't have been excellently achieved without you, still linger in my memories those beautiful moments we strively shared together on assignments, tests and examination. Beyond doubt you have shown to me what it meant to be friendship beyond dating, even up till now many still think we were sharing secret affairs. I never knew the potential in me, not it when you came to show ceaseless care coupled with motivation of which that has being making me up till now. It i


MY PROFESSION, MY PRIDE Al-Qosimy hernnany Atere, writes. I'm the bedrock of modern medicine. On my output your doctor rely for healing. Am the reason why you beam your face with smile. And give you an endless hope of long standing vibes. . I'm skilled with a small but mighter healing pin. To withdraw the water of life from your bodily spring. With my hand I write skillfully to practice on your skin. And I live not as a mere mortal, On you I leave indelible prints. . My inspiration is got from a confined room not from surrounding. To analyse your physiological fluid with my Engines. From my wealth of knowledge I give a concise diagnosis. And described for your physicians some effective healing pills. . On your bruising wound we see beyond what you think. And provide a remedy to ease your wearisome feeling. I am who I am, a medical laboratory scientist. Whenever you see one, you owe us higher esteem. ERUDITE 2020 09065614399 ®All rights reserve


LOVE IS NEVER ENOUGH,HAVE A PURPOSE! Al-Qosimy hernnany Atere,writes. We are in an era whereby the rate at which the women strive purposefully is increasingly alarming.They have proven to us in so many ways that; what a man can do woman can do it better. The words" He used me and dumped me" is irritating and seems preposterously annoying, over time some ladies with no goals to be achieved with their men are commonly known with this when they experience break up in relationship. I used to give in the best in our relationship, whenever he needed me I used to make myself available for him, I supported his aspiration with what I have. I cared for him and answered his deceptive and selfish calls every now and then. But all I could experience as the supposed products of my long standing wait.Alas! the opposite is the case all I could experience is undeserved break up after his break through. So sad! My sister, one thing is to be in love but the other is for the pe