The Impact Of Resourceful Homes To A Prosperous Nation

The Impact Of Resourceful Homes To A Prosperous Nation

By Al-Qo'simy hernnany Atere

The prevailing situation of our country is uncalled for: rambling from the breastplate of turmoil climaxing to its peak, moral indecency, heightened level of hypocrisy, devastating health challenges, unlawful ways of amassing wealth, mismanagement of public funds, phenomenal poverty, uncontrollably proliferation of cybercriminals, human wanton cry for global recognition and many others. Of which all are as a result of broken homes.

Home is a supposed biological institution that serves as a solid foundation to be entrenched with morals, disciplines, and life's principles. Parents, indisputably, are biological engineers where professionals are breeds from their genetic compositions: good leaders, impact makers, trustworthy companions, unbiased teachers and many other agents of positivities could be traced to an uncompromised home.

However, a good home is naturally rooted in unadulterated values where religious conceptualization becomes the order of the day. Rich contents flavored with ingenuity and social norms are peacefully preached; condoning others' opinions are considerably allowed for the attainment of collective goals. The product of this home is meant to be peaceful, calm, genuine and purposefully tread things with logical reasoning and value disposition.

Inversely, bad home is a constituted defective social trait that encases all sorts of unscrupulous atrocities and malodorous activities. It creates nothing but regretful emission of evils that indict grand injuries and periodic episodes of intense violence to the society. Such a supposed essential progenitor becomes the agent of negativity towards retarding the progress of the environment he or she belongs to.

The development of every nation undoubtedly depends on the healthy home. Though! this is one of the things we found very rare nowadays. I have given critical analysis and rigid assessment to evaluate where we have gotten it wrong to attain this; yet, it is still fishy, but maybe because we failed to give a thorough examination of whom we choose as life partners. Biologically, the civil union of man and woman will considerably reflect on their offsprings because the child tends to take a genetic composition from each party - of which normal genetical components reflect the character, intellectually, and moral inclination.

Furthermore, parents begin to fail their biological responsibility as a first teacher, when they start to fight, ridicule, and beat themselves before their wards; When they backbite, backstab, smoke, womanize and constitute all sorts of illicit habit before him or her. Their small kids directly or indirectly take the habit to reckoned on it. Philosophically, it is said that" children tend to learn faster from what they see from their parents do than what they are instructed to do"anonymous. imagine what the product of a home where the periodic episodes of wrestling are constantly being practiced.

Hence, no better fruition to be expected from every relationship that seems to have shared functioning features with the aforementioned than "divorce" - the end-product for every malfunctioning marital affairs. As life becomes more compromising every day; it is a result of untrained and lackluster wards who are products of broken homes. It's apparent that such a child would perhaps lose the first training -happened to be concretely built, brisken with values and moral hygiene - meant to be taught by two biological entities.

No wonders! That is the reason why there is a dearth of empathy and deep-seated compassion in every hierarchical social order. Heated criticism, defenseless security, frenzied emotion, the tragedy of violence becomes the order of the day in Nigeria. In spite of home to being a constructive pillar to revamp society into greatness, and a strong phenomenon faculty where first-class personalities are graduated and morally licensed to modify the megalomaniac society.

Our homes should not just be built because everyone is building it, we have to be constructive enough before investing in such a sensational venture. Genuine priorities should be made for choosing a life partner. It is high time we stopped being enticed with physical attraction or social background.

Let's be conscious of our responsibility to the environment we belong because every home is unarguably the potent instrument of collective transformation. If a good man should marry a good woman, both form a healthy family, healthy families form a peaceful society, peaceful societies form an enviable state, enviable states form a prosperous nation. Thus, productivity will be embraced and by then we will all live a healthy nation devoid of insecurity.

To everyone who is at the unfavorable side of these: it is said that "the worst thing that could ever happen to humans on earth is, not finding his reason for his existence" anonymous. For the fact that you are born in a compromised home does not mean you shouldn't find the purpose of your existence, never take someone always being responsible for your predicament, make yourself responsible for your failure, you are born to lead, impact and to be great. Take the charge and be responsible. Humanity awaits your social impact to be felt.



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